well guys,this was a game or rather a technique used by the Surrealists ,called "Automatism",to give themselves a better understanding of their own sub-conscious mind.Where they captured every passing thought on paper without concern for sense or grammar(in case of poems)........this was also a game played with the same thought process,me and Sameer just played along........though we were recording our thought process in front of each of other.......later on Lakshmi too joined in the game and the result is there to be interpreted by the viewer.............
Obrigado pelo elogio em meu blog!
Parabéns pelos seus trabalhos maravilhosos....
Quais técnicas você usa em seus trabalhos, me parecem tão leves..
i can actually keep staring at the pic for a long time and still pick out fascinating details of it..:-)
Adoro ilustras em preto e branco!
Gostei da composição!
Demais, Jibesh!
Grande abraço!
thanks for your visit,
we'll keep in touch, I love your work.
Wish I could read you language.
That is also art!
Anything of Henri Matisse in you...
An oriental Matisse!^-^
I know your new name for me!
Very good!!!
have a great weekend my friend
love u all guys.....its amazing to get such a response.....from u all....
Lady Divine---thank you for ur honest thoughts.....U r truly divine...
Toma-----proseguir o trabalho bom meu amigo .abracos.
Griesmail-----loved ur sculptures...very innovative...
DAD-----well no words for u is enough...just love ur paintings......and thank u for my new name......Cosmic Matisse....i will treasure it.
Mauricio------no introduction and words can describe...u....always look forward to ur collage work...a revolution in its own right.....abracos....
thank you all ......
Despues de varios dias visito tu blog y encuentro bellos trabajos...
el "cave art" me fascina!!
tus dibujos "surrealistas " hablan de ti..
Hasta pronto JIBESH
Thank you my friend Daniel,
Your works always inspires me....the thoughts that u paint are amazing.......big hug....
Interesting. I too enjoy the works of surrealists and this is novel to me.
From what i make of the drawing, i see more of humans and less of nature. More thoughts pertaining to worry and tension. Though i can see it is bounded on either sides by pleasant feelings. Mixture of both. [Only those who drew can tell what they experienced within.]
PS: Blogrolled
hey Alex...thank u for ur sweet comment.....true as far as i am concerned....because my thoughts always revovle around human suffering on the one hand...on the other i find a childs play an escape root from all these.........Infact this technique is very effective to bring out the thoughts inside.....my hats off to those Surrealists......thank u once again for ur precious comment......
When something happens it is us humans which give a tag of good or bad. A good of one can be a bad of another. What i like about Surrealism is that it makes us think beyond the obvious.
Have you seen Salvador Dali's works?
life is so surreal, just a stream of consciousness, a divine dreamplay...and you've captured it well...
but i wonder, do the events have any meaning in them...??
hey ALex and Dinesh ...thank u both....
Alex...u r very true about surrealism....And ilove Dali....great mind again......infact i have done one painting which will answear my views on surrealism......I will definitely inform u when i post it........thanx again....
hey dinesh.....thank u for ur views on my artworks.......I can only say that what I believe in comes out through my Art.......
Thank u all once again.....:)
By the way one can never really be sure....whether ur idea came first then the creation or the creation brought out the idea.....u know like chicken or the egg....?
hmmm..interesting, something about it seems to flow well...
Thanx Mystic....:)
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