रविवार, फ़रवरी 25, 2007


change ......the only constant...........what do you think????

A New World..........

"seremos como el che"----We will be like Che.................

hope this new year brings with it new colours , new dreams , new thoughts................... We can all appreciate Che Guevara's dream of a new world........free of control .....living free on your own terms ..not dictated by somebody else.......a society, free of exploitation....a world where he mentioned about "New Man".........we can all try and create a better world.......

"the most complete man of the 20th century", described by jean-paul sartre.

his last words before he was killed by the " civilized" barbarians were.... "Shoot me, you cowards,you are just killing a man........"

che lives ......... che lives through I, through You , through Us....................

Bomb the system

A Graffito term "Bomb The System" used to speak what you think (mostly against the system) ,wherever you get space, anywhere and everywhere.....................for a change,change in society, for a better world...............

शनिवार, फ़रवरी 17, 2007

death...a celebration

"birth" brings happiness....
"life" is a mystery......
"death" ..... a celebration