Creation with Destruction......and vice versa....

Is it possible to create by destroying and vice versa....???????
Is destruction necessary component of Creation.....????????
Is Creation dependent on destruction....????
[Well guys i was thinking of an appropriate title for this work ....'Revolution' was being one of them......which i thought is a game of creation and destruction as 'Life' and 'existence' itself the biggest revolution of all.........
i was going through the net when i came upon this article of John R. Boyd...though for a business purpose but very deep and philosophical......which i found interesting........]
You can read more on analysis by John R. Boyd.......
and hope find it interesting........
for more read click here......
This is a beautiful design. It's so well balanced and the colors soothe despite some of imagery. Nice work with this one!
Well, good questions.
I think that for creating any thing 'new', something is given up-time or something is transformed. In both the cases, one could view it as destruction.
If one thinks of creation as a process over time then so is destruction.
Beautiful work! (as usual) :D
beautiful, I'll think about the question
deep and philosophical, cosmic... and deeply connected to the way we live and see and feel about life and death, creation and destruction... good thoughts and intersting visual expression...
este dibujo es muy hermoso amigo!
un abrazo
This is an awesome work Jibesh. One of my favorites from you. It's amazing where one can find inspiration sometimes. When you really think of it, destruction can be necessary for creation, depending on the context of the word. destruction of old ways or inhibiting thoughts. destruction of pencils, papers, etc to build a work, destruction for deconstruction. You've got my mind going now.
Great artwork, Jibesh... as always!...
Nice illustration, I liked
Beautiful works. Your paintings are personal. I liked of like you it creates on top of picture. Congratulations!
I think that there is not creation without destruction. But she can be soft when it is about art.
But it seems to me that the only God is able of creating indeed.
I am happy with its visit and for the attention for my texts.
Although to be a fictitious history this phrase that you detached speaks of the reality.
e the fiction today seems to be one in the best ways of if evidencing the truth.
we must use this capacity that we have to eliminate the diseases of our world.
the diseases who are the corruption, injustice and inaquality must be decimated.
drawings and words the service of the well biggest one
Hi there! Thanks for coming by my painting blog and leaving your lovely comment.
What's with all the question marks on your site? (Maybe blogger is hiccupping in your part of the world.)
Anyway, I like your work. This post is so Indian! "I am Shiva! Destroyer of all worlds!"
Have you ever seen the Buddhist monks make sandpaintings? Have you ever read Calderon de la Barca's "Life is a Dream"?
Both highly recommended.
My friend!
Wish to you a great weekend.
Take care.
Hey Cosmic! I love this one .... great piece of art ... and as usual, so thought provoking!
I think destruction is the flip side of creation ... duality isn't it? One cannot really exist without the other. You taught me about that :D
Keep on exploring ... keep on puzzling ..... keep on creating .....
I am anxious for updates!
इस टिप्पणी को लेखक द्वारा हटा दिया गया है.
the vile behind destruction is well depicted through the faces filled with agony. the will to obliterate is well seen through the figures taking up arms.
beautiful !!
creation and destruction is like .. yin-yang, good-bad, light-obscurity. one cannt happen without the other. that doesn't imply we have to willfully go for obliteration. creation is a transformation which will never cease for a secondthough our hectic lives wont let us see them with much clarity. a life ends .. isn't that a form of destruction ?? but its a process which occurs under the Divine Plan. but humans trying to end other of their kind, thats the sign of how evil we can get .. even more than Satan !!
Happy new year !!Jibesh!!
Happy New Year Cosmic Friend!!! :))
hey jibs, where are you my friend!! long time since you posted, so please get online and share more of your creative stuff man!!
and wishing you a wonderful start to the new year 2008! thanks for each one of your wonderfully creative posts, inspirations and encouraging comments! and looking forward to more of your uniquely creative stuff in this brand new year ahead!!
take care, love n peace, and do keep drawing and creating, my friend!! ^_^
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