
"I am painting pictures which make me die for joy, I am creating with
an absolute naturalness, without the slightest aesthetic concern,
I am making things that inspire me with a profound emotion and
I am trying to paint them honestly." -- Salvador Dalí, in Dawn Ades,
Dalí and Surrealism.
THis is dedicated to all my friends and well wishers:
Srikar sir,ALex,Ranjan Engticode,Dad,Mauricio,Alina chau,
Saulo,Daniel cimadevilla,Itkupilli,Jafar,Beekeeper,
Dinesh,Juampa,Griesmail,Sara mello,Steve,Badri sir,
Marigold,Rono,Edde wagner,Fadinha,Patricia,
Rai,shakhi,Priyankari,Get zapped,Lady divine,
Loon gal,jishnu,Rajarshi,mumpy,Anirban,
Raghav,Mystic rose,Ankit,Lonely Traveller,
Tahirbhai,Devdatta,Lyrically yours,Ranesh,
Kaushik,Anoop,Marcos Ganzarolli,Sanjeev,
Jayanth,manju,Igor,Zuri,Andre Toma,Indira,
Niti(godess Athena),Jyothibabu,Priyanka,Asir bhai,
Sidharth sethi,Sumit,Bikramjit,
Sukesan, Cilencio, Manjit, Shrabani,
Asmita Sarkar, Monal, Tanushree,
DebashisDa,Ayan sir,Ravi sir,
Akansha, Anupama, Shilpa(Nagpur),
Arpit, Ravi, Vismay, Praveen, Lee,
Phebes,Sathya ,Marielza,
and Thanu , Cecilia
and also countless number
of people who visited my blog.........I am indebted to all you guys.............
" All we dream and we all can change the world" you guys and
i will try to put my best works here and share with you all....AMEN....:)