मंगलवार, सितंबर 16, 2008
मेरे बारे में
- नाम: cosmic clown
- स्थान: bangalore, karnataka, India
I am an eternal dreamer who dreams and dreams and dreams.......i dream of a world where everyone is equal, where there is no rich no poor, no religion but only us---Humans.I dream of a world where there is no place for violence and only peace and also a future where childrens will grow up learning about life from Nature as their teacher and where they will dream to make this earth a dreamers heaven before they leave this beautiful earth. So this is me an Eternal dreamer and an Optimist. ----Fakir

- EgoBrew!!!!
- Minervasworld
- Ranjan Engticode
- InnovationEcoSystem
- Graffiti
- Mareya Lari
- kanak chanpa
- Asian art
- Janice
Previous Posts

- ........
- woman
- aparichit...the stranger.....
- moments within
- Creation with Destruction......and vice versa....
- just for fun.....
- "what are we searching for"?
- d
- ................Fakir meets Dali.........
- fakir's Mystery.....
