The Lake of Dreams......

" Lead me to the Lake of dreams............"
Dreams from time immemorial has been an integral part of our" existence "as well as could be the gateway for defining our "existence"...........
"Dreams"......well what is dream.....?????
-----according to Wikipedia meaning....:
A dream is the experience of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep. It occurs in humans, most mammals, and some birds. [1] The events of dreams are often impossible or unlikely to occur in physical reality, and are usually outside the control of the dreamer. The exception is lucid dreaming, in which dreamers realize that they are dreaming, and are sometimes capable of changing their oneiric reality and controlling various aspects of the dream, in which the suspension of disbelief is often broken.[2] Dreamers may experience strong emotions while dreaming. Frightening or upsetting dreams are referred to as nightmares.
for more on "Dreams".
"Excerpts from the symbolism of lake of dreams...."
ESSAY : What is the symbolic meaning of lakes in dreams?
Sometimes its best to start off at the basics. Land in dreams features the facts and realities of our life. Lakes are made up of water which symbolizes the feelings within us which (like water)constantly move and flow. So lakes then may represent some issue which you have a little intuitive feeling about.
for more reading just click on here......"lake of dreams"
what they say about dreams....
Viennese Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud first developed the theory about the role of the unconscious on the individual.
Freud believed the dream worked on two levels. A straightforward level showed events in dreams as remembered. However in the latent level objects and actions in the dreams symbolize sexual and aggressive feelings and ideas that are repressed.
So in dreams it protects the sleeper from the effects of a realization of these wishes. The dream taps into the desire for wish fulfillment when the controlling ego is relaxed during sleep.
Freud wrote "All dreams are in a sense dreams of convenience, they help to prolong sleep instead of waking up. Dreams are the guardians of sleep and not its disturbers."
Carl Jung believed a dreams content uses symbolic language. He proposed that a dream expresses collective racial unconscious memories and instincts shared by all people.
These are basic ideas that are themselves symbols. These include the hero, monster, mother, father, mandala, sacrifice and the mask.
Dreams also indicate the way to self actualization. Jungian therapy in fact deals extensively with dreams and fantasies."
For more read:
Well "the lake of dreams" is dedicated to our "Gang"...the Gang of the Dreamers........Zaza,Kyrie,Goddess ,Ranjan,Sathya and Vinay...........:)
and also to all You dreamers............
and also dedicated to ITKUPILLI whose digital collages are dreamy too......
Itkupilli's blog:
and also to Ana Banana whose paintings works also mesmerize me.....
Ana Banana's blog: