गुरुवार, अगस्त 20, 2009
मंगलवार, सितंबर 16, 2008
गुरुवार, जुलाई 17, 2008
aparichit...the stranger.....

[acrylic on canvas]
"But at least I had as much of a hold on it as it had on me. I had been right, I was still right, I was always right. I had lived my life one way and I could just as well lived it another. I had done this and I hadn't done that. I hadn't done this thing and I had done another.And so? It was as if I had waited all this time for this moment and for the first light of this dawn to be vindicated. Nothing, nothing mattered, and I knew why. So did he."
-Albert Camus,
The Stranger
गुरुवार, अप्रैल 17, 2008
बुधवार, सितंबर 12, 2007
Creation with Destruction......and vice versa....

Is it possible to create by destroying and vice versa....???????
Is destruction necessary component of Creation.....????????
Is Creation dependent on destruction....????
[Well guys i was thinking of an appropriate title for this work ....'Revolution' was being one of them......which i thought is a game of creation and destruction as 'Life' and 'existence' itself the biggest revolution of all.........
i was going through the net when i came upon this article of John R. Boyd...though for a business purpose but very deep and philosophical......which i found interesting........]
You can read more on this......an analysis by John R. Boyd.......
and hope find it interesting........
for more read click here......
रविवार, अगस्त 12, 2007
गुरुवार, अगस्त 09, 2007
"what are we searching for"?
Well guys i would like u all to visit my new post on my other blog......rather a question.....just check it out....and hope to get all your valuable comments.......
"what are we searching for?"
रविवार, अगस्त 05, 2007
मंगलवार, जुलाई 24, 2007
................Fakir meets Dali.........
A man way beyond his Time......
did painting i did recently.......its meeting the great painter in the dream world .....thats how Fakir meets Dali.......truly in Dalinian customs.....and with Fakir's gang of dreamers.......
gouache(15'' x 13'')
Few Blogs I love to visit...............
1.Steve's blog........A True artist....love your experimentations Steve.....
2.Dad's art blog......well this French artist is just amazing.....who sometimes calls me cosmic Matisse .....
3.Alina's blog......well an amazing animator....love her unique style of portraying life...
4.Mauricio's blog.....The king of collage........from Brazil....just love them.....
5.D-Cima's blog.......Art is a reflection of the soul....and thats what i see and feel when i see paintings....and he calls me the guy from the land of the buddha...... and him being from the land of Che.
मंगलवार, जुलाई 03, 2007
fakir's Mystery.....

-----Salvador Dali
One day it will have to be officially admitted that what we have christened reality is an even greater illusion than the world of dreams"
------ Salvador Dali
What is a mystery?
----A mystery is a secret, a riddle, or a puzzle.
----something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained.
----A term derived from the Latin word mysterium. Mystery is also closely related to the Latin word mysterium tremendum, which is a term used to express the overwhelming awe and sense of unknowable mystery felt by those to whom some aspect of God or of divine being is revealed. Mystery is an event or situation that appears to overwhelm understanding. Its province is the unnatural, unmentioned, and unseen.
-----Any matter that is hidden, secret, unexplained or inexplicable, beyond human knowledge or comprehension.
-----A reality which we cannot fully grasp intellectually, or for which we have no reasoned explanation. Before mystery one retains a certain awe along with the yearning to explore and comprehend. For Jung, life itself and each individual was such a mystery.
u can read few of Carl Jung's thoughts ...including "mystery"....
Is there really any MYSTERY......or is it just a mental...psychological creation for the unknown by the human mind.........doeas it really exist...if at all.......why??????
रविवार, जून 10, 2007
was it a dream......

“Sometimes I'm confused by what I think is really obvious. But what I think is really obvious obviously isn't obvious...”
Michael stripeIt was a hot afternoon........went for the drinks.......i mean cold drinks.....a salesman was waiting in this scorching heat to quench my thirst....Is it...?????........he was like those Samaritan who arrived like a messiah as i was struggling through the heat,tired......couldn't walk.......
as i looked at my Samaritan ........oh what do i see......
two girls walking down the path......two village girls probably......they were carrying water...with those pots on their head......as they walk through their survival......
few seconds passed by......
oh whats that again......
it was drizzling.......they looked shy and hazy to me........
and it was getting dark.....and then night........a moonlit night...they are still walking...talking...whispering to themselves probably.......to see an unknown in their midst......
probably they were coming to quench my thirst......oh how do they know......that i was thirsty...tired.......
As they were about to reach me......what do i see......????/
The two girls are being caught on a "Time warp"........is it...?
being pushed and pulled by "reality".......
why are they behaving like this.....why are not they coming to quench my thirst.....my doubts....my unanswered questions.......???????
as the doubts surfaced in my mind.......a voice called me.......at one point i was somewhere else....lost probably......but where...why...??????
For a while i was in a zero state ....not under my control......what i saw was it real......or was it a dream.......???????
शुक्रवार, मई 25, 2007
The Lake of Dreams......

" Lead me to the Lake of dreams............"
Dreams from time immemorial has been an integral part of our" existence "as well as could be the gateway for defining our "existence"...........
"Dreams"......well what is dream.....?????
-----according to Wikipedia meaning....:
A dream is the experience of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep. It occurs in humans, most mammals, and some birds. [1] The events of dreams are often impossible or unlikely to occur in physical reality, and are usually outside the control of the dreamer. The exception is lucid dreaming, in which dreamers realize that they are dreaming, and are sometimes capable of changing their oneiric reality and controlling various aspects of the dream, in which the suspension of disbelief is often broken.[2] Dreamers may experience strong emotions while dreaming. Frightening or upsetting dreams are referred to as nightmares.
for more reading....click on "Dreams".
"Excerpts from the symbolism of lake of dreams...."
ESSAY : What is the symbolic meaning of lakes in dreams?
Sometimes its best to start off at the basics. Land in dreams features the facts and realities of our life. Lakes are made up of water which symbolizes the feelings within us which (like water)constantly move and flow. So lakes then may represent some issue which you have a little intuitive feeling about.
for more reading just click on here......"lake of dreams"
what they say about dreams....
Viennese Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud first developed the theory about the role of the unconscious on the individual.
Freud believed the dream worked on two levels. A straightforward level showed events in dreams as remembered. However in the latent level objects and actions in the dreams symbolize sexual and aggressive feelings and ideas that are repressed.
So in dreams it protects the sleeper from the effects of a realization of these wishes. The dream taps into the desire for wish fulfillment when the controlling ego is relaxed during sleep.
Freud wrote "All dreams are in a sense dreams of convenience, they help to prolong sleep instead of waking up. Dreams are the guardians of sleep and not its disturbers."
Carl Jung believed a dreams content uses symbolic language. He proposed that a dream expresses collective racial unconscious memories and instincts shared by all people.
These are basic ideas that are themselves symbols. These include the hero, monster, mother, father, mandala, sacrifice and the mask.
Dreams also indicate the way to self actualization. Jungian therapy in fact deals extensively with dreams and fantasies."
For more read:
Well "the lake of dreams" is dedicated to our "Gang"...the Gang of the Dreamers........Zaza,Kyrie,Goddess ,Ranjan,Sathya and Vinay...........:)
and also to all You dreamers............
and also dedicated to ITKUPILLI whose digital collages are dreamy too......
Itkupilli's blog:
and also to Ana Banana whose paintings works also mesmerize me.....
Ana Banana's blog:
शुक्रवार, मई 11, 2007
Dreams of a lonely wall......

"When the time comes to leave, just walk away quietly and don't make any fuss"
"You can win the rat race but you're still a rat"
"Old man: You paint the wall, you make it look beautiful
A lot of mothers will do anything for their children, except let them be themselves."
"people who enjoy waving flags don't deserve to have one."
बुधवार, मई 02, 2007

Well this style I inherited from My Mentor and Guru......Mr.Srikar Sir, a dedicated man with a few words......
सोमवार, अप्रैल 09, 2007

बुधवार, मार्च 21, 2007
शुक्रवार, मार्च 16, 2007
a surreal game.....

गुरुवार, मार्च 15, 2007
cave art

just got inspired from the cave paintings.........infact loved their art,the raw thoughts they tried to put on the walls.....its amazing where the artist is not aware of the surrounding......in sync with nature......his thoughts.....and the cave wall....he is also neither worried about future nor about the past....just present.........that particular moment..which makes it special......which i am sure every artist tries to capture......."the moment"..............
रविवार, फ़रवरी 25, 2007
A New World..........

hope this new year brings with it new colours , new dreams , new thoughts................... We can all appreciate Che Guevara's dream of a new world........free of control .....living free on your own terms ..not dictated by somebody else.......a society, free of exploitation....a world where he mentioned about "New Man".........we can all try and create a better world.......
"the most complete man of the 20th century", described by jean-paul sartre.
his last words before he was killed by the " civilized" barbarians were.... "Shoot me, you cowards,you are just killing a man........"
che lives ......... che lives through I, through You , through Us....................
शनिवार, फ़रवरी 17, 2007
शुक्रवार, दिसंबर 22, 2006
गुरुवार, दिसंबर 21, 2006
बुधवार, दिसंबर 13, 2006

A step towards Dark surrealism.......
"Dedicated to those Avant-garde Surrealist Artists who dedicated their life to Art"
Excerpts from Andre Bretons Surrealist Manifesto........
"........the surrealist project, beyond the limitations of space and time, can contribute to the efficacious reunification of all those who do not despair of the transformation of the world and who wish this transformation to be as radical as possible..........."
SURREALISM, n. Pure psychic automatism, by which it is intended to express, verbally, in writing, or by other means, the real process of thought. Thought's dictation, in the absence of all control exercised by the reason and outside all aesthetic or moral preoccupations.
ENCYCL. Philos. Surrealism is based on the belief in the superior reality of certain forms of association heretofore neglected, in the omnipotence of the dream, and in the disinterested play of thought. It leads to the permanent destruction of all other psychic mechanisms and to its substitution for them in the solution of the principal problems of life.